

Audible Genius – Syntorial – The Ultimate Synthesizer Tutorial 1.1.​3. Lindell Audio – 80 Series v1.0.0 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R v1.0.0 (VST, VST3, AAX). Native Instruments – Kontakt 6.4.0 (STANDALONE, VSTi, AAX).


Team R2R | | WIN: 720.6MB | OSX: 657.3MB/subtitle Syntorial is synthesizer training software that teaches synth programming and sound design. Genius v1.1.3 WiN/MacOSX Incl.​Keygen-R2R Torrent Download Apple, Mac OS, Apps, Software,Games Torrents. Audible Genius Syntorial v1.6.4 Overview. Audible Genius Syntorial V1.1.3 ( Win ) + Carck.rar.


Syntorial 1.6.401 Full (All Lesson Packs) 762 MB Syntorial 1.6.401 Full (All. Audible Genius Syntorial v1.6.4 Incl Keygen-R2R.exe. ADOBE CS6 0 MASTER COLLECTION WIN OSX KEYGEN XFORCE.exe. Audible Genius Syntorial v1.6.4 Incl Keygen WIN OSX-R2R - . It is an entirely new class of visual audio effects processors and is one of the most. 2C Audio Kaleidoscope v1.1.0 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)-R2R. R2r | Stalker Call Of Pripyat | Klara Smetanova | Ultra Mon | Active Camera 2004 | Rediffbol Download | Audible Genius Syntorial V1.6.4 Incl Win Osx | Naked .


everything you learn Pay once and get Syntorial on 3 platforms: Mac, PC and iPad . Syntorial doesn't just show you how synth programming works. OSX)-R2R Audible Genius Syntorial v1.6.4 Incl Keygen WIN OSX-R2R - No Links . VST (Mac/PC) and AU (Mac).Volko Darbuka Nut v1.0 Incl Keygen WiN OSX-R2R. Program, record and play Primer in your favorite desktop recording software.

  • Plugin version of Syntorial's synth, Primer.
  • Train where you want, when you want, and how you want. Sync your progress across all 3 platforms.


    Pay once and get access to all of the above on iPad, Mac and PC.More Lesson Packs planned for the future. Additional Lesson Packs covering Massive, Sylenth1, Cakewalk Z3TA+ 2 and Minimoog Voyager, each containing 30+ videos.All 199 Lessons, including 129 Challenges, 147 Videos, and 706 Patches covering the most common synthesis parameters.The free app comes with the first 22 Lessons, additional Lesson Pack samples, as well as Syntorial's fully featured synth.


  • Mod Wheel, Pitch Wheel and Velocity controls.
  • Distortion, Chorus, Phaser, Delay, and Reverb effects.
  • Unison with Voice, Detune and Spread controls.
  • LFO with four waveforms, seven destinations, rate, amount, trigger, and mono/poly modes.
  • Filter (Low, Band and High Pass) with Resonance and Key Tracking.
  • Saw, Pulse, Triangle and Sine waveforms.
  • Three Oscillators (Two with Waveform, Pitch, Pulse Width, and Mix controls, and a Sub oscillator with Waveform and Volume controls).
  • On Your Own: Syntorial will give you periodic tasks to be carried out on your own with whatever synth(s) you use.
  • Quizzes: Multiple choice questions to help you retain and remember everything you learn.
  • After all, that’s what it’s all about, right? By the end you will have programmed tons of patches, from simple to complex, familiar to strange.
  • Videos: Everything is taught through video demonstrations using the same synth that you’ll use in the challenges.
  • Challenges: Learn by doing! Complete challenges by programming patches with Syntorial’s built-in synth.
  • By the end of the program you’ll be able to take the sounds you hear and re-create them, completely by ear.
  • It's All About The Ear: One step at a time, Syntorial trains your ear to recognize how each control shapes and manipulates sound.
  • This is information that you can immediately apply to real-life situations.
  • For Musicians, Not Physicists: Instead of talking about the science and physics behind synthesizers, Syntorial will show you how each control effects sound, as well as when, why and how you would use them when designing sounds.

    You aren’t just learning how to design sound, you are becoming a sound designer. It engages you in Interactive Challenges in which you program patches on a built-in synth. Interactive Learning: Syntorial doesn’t just show you how synth programming works.* Electronic Musician Editor's Choice 2014 * A unique and fun way to train your ears in re-creating synth sounds.” - MusicTech Magazine “The best training in synth sound-design we’ve come across. "The most comprehensive and fun tool for learning synthesizer programming, hands down." - Keyboard Magazine "Syntorial is the most direct route between hearing a sound in your head and knowing how to bring it to life." - Electronic Musician Magazine By combining video demonstrations with interactive challenges, you’ll get hands on experience programming patches on a built-in soft synth, and learn everything you need to know to start making your own sounds with ease. Syntorial is a synthesizer training app, that will teach you how to program synth patches by ear.
